Video Glitch Devices, Experimental Music, Video Art

Pushkar brand

how to glitch

 Instability of the atoms, inherent errors, vulnerable materials. In the analog world, things don’t happen twice. Strictly speaking, analog events are unique.

By exacerbating the fluctuations of the media, video glitch devices bring at the front the analog’ singularity and the allure of contingency.


I am Pushkar Brand, music producer with a fixation for modular synths, movie-making, video art, circuit bending, DIY, and experimental art. I have published music with many aliases (Ostia Acid, ID-KWIM, Kòwodziej), played in various groups (Nora Kant, Staccionata, Condòelettropulella, Noesse, Stato Degenere), produced, mixed, and mastered music for other bands (Real Miracolo, Negrella), commercials and TV productions (often with the alias Jacop Eno), soundtracks for movies (Diorama), short film (Tell Me Why You Look for Me, Works of Fire, Damocles’ Escape) and documentaries (Lifted, Losing Track of Mine).


Looking for a video glitch device? What about an experimental video clip? Ideas for a collaboration? Questions?